Pride is the undoing of the Christians faith. It most often breeds overconfidence in our lives while preventing us from doing the one thing we should be…calling out for our Savior. As Jesus said in Mark 2:17 “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” When we allow pride to rule our lives, we tend to push Christ to the side…because, after all we aren’t sick. As dangerous as it is, pride is also very difficult to spot. Have you ever heard the saying “I’m the least prideful person I know.” We laugh, but often we subconsciously take on that attitude. There are many areas in our lives in which pride can seep in. For that reason we have compiled a few symptoms of pride for us as believers to self diagnose When we allow pride to rule our lives, we tend to push Christ to the side…because, after all we aren’t sick. As dangerous as it is, pride is also very difficult to spot. Have you ever heard the saying “I...