"When God speaks atmospheres change. When God speak tree world have got to come to order both the demonic world, angelic world and the kingdom of man have to come to ordering God speaks. When God speaks things have to change they can't remain the same and until God speaks your situations will remain the same. So whatever the prophet, apostle or the preacher is going to release into your world, you have to yell what God is saying because unless He speak nothing will change everything will remain the same. I do believe that when God speaks everything that seems impossible becomes possible, and if we need a change to happen next year we need to start now. Even if we see other people killing each other we need to go deeper in prayers because God backs His word. I know that what seems difficult is got to be made easier and that can only be done when God speaks." © Jacob Mcmende Mokoit ®™°√ #Keep_Peace #Love_one_another Despite everything we are #One_Kenya_One_N...