"No more no less of my words, this is the conviction in my heart. You see when I understood the meaning of life it has been everything but hard to make out every situation in my life •yes even the hard ones• esp the hard ones that especially when I questioned if I was meant at the moment and why wasn't I? Probably I thought it was too much for me. But am here! I handled it, it is as he said nothing is too much than you, I can handle it." "So I finally figured it out *power of the brain* our brains are one powerful part. ||And this is just how|| Like any Control Center [my brain] (is)am able to tell poison from honey in any situation within me and this has helped me a great deal past few months because I am able to stand on focus and my heart is a fortress." "If it can't fall I never will fall. It takes a little convincing to the heart. And as you know the heart loves anything happy and cheerful..with this achievement...