
Showing posts from 2018


Ecclesiastes 3:11  “He has made everything beautiful in its time…” blessing of a miracle child even though she was barren and her husband was old (see 2 Kings 4:8–17). A few years later, it was this friendship with the man of God, which saw her through a crisis when her son fell seriously ill and died—Elisha raised her son back to life (see 2 Kings 4:18–37). When God is the one orchestrating the events in your life, neither lack nor danger nor destruction can affect you. When famine hit the land, the Shunammite woman’s family did not suffer because through Elisha, God had told them to leave the land. They went to the land of the Philistines and dwelt there throughout the seven years of famine (see 2 Kings 8:1–2). God can place you at the right place at the right time, even through your daily decision-making. The Shunammite woman returned to Shunem after the famine had ended. She then decided to appeal to the king of Israel for he...


"No more no less of my words, this is the conviction in my heart. You see when I understood the meaning of life it has been everything but hard to make out every situation in my life •yes even the hard ones• esp the hard ones that especially when I questioned if I was meant at the moment and why wasn't I? Probably I thought it was too much for me. But am here! I handled it, it is as he said nothing is too much than you, I can handle it." "So I finally figured it out *power of the brain* our brains are one powerful part. ||And this is just how|| Like any Control Center [my brain] (is)am able to tell poison from honey in any situation within me and this has helped me a great deal past few months because I am able to stand on focus and my heart is a fortress." "If it can't fall I never will fall. It takes a little convincing to the heart. And as you know the heart loves anything happy and cheerful..with this achievement...


Familiarity is a curse. Familiarity is the source of many problems in our life. The problem however is that familiarity is not too familiar to many people such that they do not know its effect on their life. Too many marriages are breaking because the couple has become familiar to each other, too many families are being torn apart because children have become too familiar with their parents that they can no longer listen to them, people have lost their jobs because they became so familiar with it such that they could no longer follow the rules and sadly too many people have fallen short of the glory of God because they were too familiar to God. The list is endless...... The " familiar " word comes from the Latin word  familiaris , meaning a “ household servant .” This means that when you are familiar with someone or something, you regard that person or thing as your household servant. Someone who is at your beck and call and who should respect you not the other way...


Hebrews 10:24-25   "And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another and all the more as you see the Day approaching." Learning how to love your neighbor requires a willingness to draw on the strength of Jesus Christ as you die to self and live for Him. Living in this manner allows you to practice biblical love for others in spite of adverse circumstances or your feelings to the contrary. Love your neighbors through thick and thin... Don't seek to please them, but to please your Master; and remember, if they spurn your love, your Master has not spurned it, and your deed is acceptable to Him as if it had been acceptable to them. There's something like radar inside the human heart that senses the displeasure of others. Displeasure and ingratitude are like a repellant to human relationships. Aloness can lead...